Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Inspired by Julie's gorgeous violet images over at Being Ruby I decided to take a peek through my photostream.

When I tend to capture colour it is more often a rose or ruby hue. This is deliberate. It is what I love. Given this,  I was surprised to notice a few images of mine with a violet hue.


Julie@beingRUBY said...

How lovely
You're photos are always fantastic... It's funny since I've been blogging and taking shots of anything I can.. I find my range of colour loves is expanding.. still haven't worked my way up to yellow though..

Thanks so much for the mention.. so sweet... and love all these beautiful shots..... Definitely in a lavender mood this week.. Have a good one.. ciao xxx Julie

Unknown said...

Lovely post!! Pretty images.

Katrina said...

Hello! I have just been looking through your blog (after being led here by you commenting on Tammy's blog - The Drill Hall Emporium), and just thought I'd let you know that I think your photography is stunning (and that I know what it is to lust after all things Anthropologie!).


koralee said...

Oh I love this today...I tend to be drawn to one or two colours too...

Hugs for a great day.

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