Thursday, May 5, 2011

The five senses part one ~ Touch

This weeks inspiration was the five senses, I chose Touch. It seemed appropriate to me this week, as I have been feeling a bit prickly.

I really loved this weeks topic, and as you can tell from the post title, I intend to try and capture each of the five senses.

Here are some images I took last month, hopefully I will feel up to getting out and taking some more soon.


luke and kourt said...

I love all the detail you've captured. Great images and thank you for your kind comments♥

The Breakfast Lover said...

Great pictures! so apropiatet for touch!

Lynda and Jerry said...

Oh, ouch!! Perfect for touch! Lovely photographs - so much detail!

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

OUCH! I feel them :) T.

April said...

Awesome picture! I wouldn't want to touch it but it does really say touch! Beautiful photography. Hope you feel unprickly soon :)

annelise said...

Cacti really are the weirdest looking things, aren't they? Weird and vicious. Great photos.

Kamill said...

Beautiful photographs! Great Detail! Perfect for touch!

Kristi said...

I agree...I love the detail and all of the different angles you've captured. Beautiful!

Punctuation Mark said...

great photos... love the texture!

Anonymous said...

Stopped by from "life through the lens". Such beautiful photos!

Kellie Collis said...

The pictures are stunning! Enjoy the wonderful week ahead, Kellie xx

Aprendeconvale said...

your pictures are so brilliant! are you a professional photographer?kisses

Unknown said...

Great shots! Love the texture:)

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Wonderful pictures! What a great subject to use for touch.

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