So I finally decided to join up (with a little help from a friend), the wait for an invite was taking far to long for such an impatient person like me.
I think the reason I resisted joining for so long, was cause I spend to much time on the web as it is. I did not need another reason. However, I have a few little projects on the go and it is such an easy way to create inspiration boards that can be easily accessed, so well, I have been spending a bit of time looking at all the gorgeous inspiration. Talk about lovely clutter!!!
I am not sure if I am doing it correctly; are the images I repin credited correctly?! I guess it is as easy as by just clicking Repin?! Oh well I suppose I will find out soon enough if I am not doing it correctly.
Anybody else loving it? I know old news but as I said I tried to resist....
Time to step away from the computer, for tonight at least xox
I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. It's such a great place for keeping all the lovely images that I come across, rather than clog up my computer with them, but sometimes I get so sick of the crap (horrid pregnant belly shots/engagement shots/anything called 'amazing' (it's never anything really amazing)). It IS addictive though. Sometimes I wonder what the point of it all is. But I keep at it. Because I love it. Hate it. Love it. Hate it. I don't know.
Pinterest is like crack for me... I have to be very careful cuz hours can go by and I feel like it's minutes. But there is lots of inspiration there for sure! Have fun!
Pinterest! I love that site.
I am addicted to Pinterest. I love it. I just make sure i look at what people I'm following are pinning and don't get lost in the mass that is available. Enjoy xxx
I have resisted too for so long. I have a peep every now and then but think that I should just make the jump.. Looks gorgeous. Carla
I haven't created my own yet.. but recently found others pinning my stuff.. that was sort of nice!!...
I'll have to check out yours... have a great week.. ciao xxx Julie
I'm so glad you decided to join! It is a lot of fun. I know it's just one more time sucker, one more thing to do on the computer. I'm off to find you. :)
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