Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cambodia ~ lessons in life love and happiness

Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth ~ Martin H. Fischer

The title to this post is also the working title of a little book I would like to create of my images and thoughts from our recent trip to Cambodia. 

We are back safe and sound from our two week adventure. Tired (even though it is silly to complain when you are lucky enough to travel, good grief I hate airplanes) and so taking it easy with loads of washing, resting and cuddles with the furkid today. Slowly looking at the over 2000 images I took and the 1000 images Mr took!!!

I have noticed that, as per usual, I was taking heaps of images over the first few days and then lost the crazy need to capture every single second by digital image and eventually just relax let myself enjoy the moments, be part of the moments, rather than simply viewing them through the lens...

As the working title suggests the trip was an experience, more than an adventure, it was a lesson. Well many lessons, hopefully ones we can take into the rest of our lives in a positive way.

Life is a game, Play it; Life is a challenge, Meet it; Life is an opportunity, Capture it. ~ Anonymous

 The above image of Mr (taken after over 24 hours of little sleep and our first little taste of the streets of Siem Reap) is such a symbol to me of our trip ~  Our eyes are wide open now.

I will post a few more little series on this trip.  Sooo many images and thoughts to share, hope all is well will pop onto my feed and see what I have missed xox


Daydream Living said...

Welcome back! I just went over some more posts I had missed (I too had lost my mojo...) so I'm a bit late but wanted to let you know, LOVE your wedding pics! You look so beautiful and a winter wedding, with log fire? Cool idea!
Hope to see your photo's of the trip soon, take care, Maureen

Wander.Lust said...

i loved Cambodia when i visited a couple of years ago, it is such an amazing, beautiful country recovering from such a terrifying history... i really loved it and want to go back for longer next time. Cant wait to see your pictures, your images are always so beautiful!

Melanie said...

Wow! What a beautiful trip that must have been! That photo is just GORGEOUS. I heart elephants!

bibbitybob said...

Hello! Welcome home :) I'm looking forwards to seeing the rest of your pictures (well, maybe not all 2000 of them heh).

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words. Some days I have the right attitude, others I'm just a bit of a mess, but I will get there. It helps to be able to read such lovely comments, so thank you x

The Moerks said...

sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Sometimes you do need to "step away from the lense" don't you to see what is around you.

Aprendeconvale said...

Welcome back!!! I liked very much this previous of your shots!! curious and willing to see more!! kisses

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Welcome back!!
As you know.. I know just how you feel.. in most of what you have written here.. although i have over 8000 pics.. ooops.. never going to be able to sort through them'

Just love your shots so far and look forward to seeing more as you get the time to post... I have never been to Cambodia and a friend was just telling me about it yesterday.. so bring it on..

OH.. I had to laugh at your insistence on Paris.. thanks so much for your kind comments.. i've been trying to get over here all day and always something to interrupt me!! .. ciao xxx Julie

Unknown said...

Hope you're having a blast.

Melissa said...

travel - eyes wide open....

so true...wonderful photo of your mr....

Melissa- Miss Sew & So


Kellie Collis said...

Lovely image! That elephant looks wonderful! Have a beautiful day, Kellie xx

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Glad you had a wonderful time! Making a little book is such a good idea!

Georgianna said...

Hi, I look forward to seeing your book and reading your insights. There is nothing like travel for enlightenment, is there? How special that you shared it with your Mr. and can experience the increased awareness and understanding together. xo – g

ivana said...

The name of your blog made me intrigued. And the way you described yourself: looking forward to get to know you :))

Red Rose Alley said...

I visited your blog today - I saw you on 'Ricevere con Stile'. Your photos are so pretty, colorful, and full of life!! The picture of the elephant is wonderful. Me and my daughters love photography, and all things beautiful too. We just started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would really enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your creative photos. Your blog is so pretty and peaceful, and I left here with a smile. I hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

CV Love said...

Amazing place you visit! I love the 1st photo.

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